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Ways to Spar[]

  • Shield Breaker: Opponents are given two minutes before the spar begins to form shields of energy or energy armor around themselves. When the two minutes are up the opponents begin to project energy attacks at on another. The goal is for you to completely deplete the energy of your opponents' shields. A referee senses the energy of the opponents shields, the last opponent who's shield has not lost all its energy wins.

  • Shield Damage: Opponents are given two minutes before the spar begins to form shields of energy or energy armor around themselves. When the two minutes are up the timer begins and the opponents begin to project energy attacks at one another. The goal is for you to deplete as much of the energy of your opponents' shields within an agreed time limit. A referee senses the energy of the opponents shields, when the time limit has been reached the opponent with the most energy in their shield wins.

  • Drop Out: Opponents spar against one another until all opponents but one drop out of the spar. The last opponent who hasn't dropped out wins.

  • Endurance Round: Each opponent sends limited waves of Energy Constructs to combat one another. A time limit is set and who ever can destroy all their opponents constructs before time runs out is victorious. Constructs are not allowed to regenerate energy or be self sustaining and opponents must agree on the maximum number of constructs that can be sent before the spar begins. No additional constructs can be created after the spar has began.

  • Construct Battle: Each opponent creates a construct to fight in place of themselves. The constructs then combat one another and can be controlled by their creators or programmed to fight autonomously. Constructs fight until one of the constructs is destroyed. The winner is the opponent who's construct is not completely destroyed at the end of the battle. Constructs are not allowed to attack or absorb energy from the creator of the opponent's construct nor are they allowed to be self sustaining.

  • Armored Combat: Its the same as shield breaker combat except instead of using shields opponents use energy constructs that act as a special armor. Armored combat is more fun when sparring in the astral realm.

  • Hero vs Villain: Each opponent takes on a role that determines how they win or lose the spar. An astral world (Astral World Building) is created for the spar to take place in. There are two roles hero and villain. The opponent in the villain role is trying to destroy the astral world within a certain time limit without their shields being destroyed. The opponent in the hero role is trying to protect the astral world and destroy the villain's shield. The ref ends the match once the time limit is reached and the winner is decided based on the condition of the astral world and the villain's shield.

  • Three Minute Showdown: The referee sets a timer for three minutes. Each Opponent creates a three piece Energy Armor that covers only three parts of the body. Whoever using long range energy projectiles can destroy the most pieces of armor before the three minutes are up wins. It is against the rules to regenerate armor pieces. Referee is in charge of monitoring armor integrity and watching the timer.

  • Master Battle: The referee designs an Astral World (Astral World Building) for the match to take place in. There can be from 2-5 battlers for this type of spar. Each battler astral projects to a different side of the world (in the case of five battlers the fifth astral projects to the center of the world). This spar is meant to be done while each battler is in an internet chat room. The referee will announce when the world has been completely generated and provide a short description of each part of the world they have just created. Each battler will then choose a section of the world to project to after reading the description and announce it over the chat. The referee then asks if everyone has projected to their section of the world and each battler will then reply yes or no. Once all battlers have entered the world they must each generate a shield, they have up to three minutes to generate a shield with as many layers as they wish, however once the match begins no battler can regenerate their shields or layers of their shields. Once the three minute timer is up the referee will ask all battlers what techniques they will be using in the match and how many layers their shields have. Each battler is limited to using three techniques/abilities that they are training or have mastered in the match. Each battler then announces their abilties in the open chat as well as their number of shield layers. The referee then starts a fifteen minute timer and announces the beginning of the match. The battlers as they travel the astral world post updates in chat when they have entered a new area of the world. When multiple battlers enter the same area of the world they can begin combat. During combat battlers must announce what technique they are using and what battler they are using the technique against in chat. The referee then will post in chat information on how effective the technique was against the opposing battler and how many shield layers all the battlers have remaining. The match can end in multiple ways. If there is only one battler left with atleast one shield layer, that battler is victorious. If the fifteen minute timer sounds then any battler with atleast one shield layer remaining will move onto the next match against the remaining battlers who also had atleast one shield layer remaining.

  •   World Exploration: This spar was designed for up to four battlers and one ref in an Astral World (Astral World Building) designed by the ref with a thirty-minute time-limit. Each battler and the ref should either all be in the same room or communicating with one another via some form of internet chat. The referee designs a world and populates it with servitors, some of which are made to assist the battlers, while others exist to try and destroy the battlers's shield layers. The referee will also create an energy construct hidden somewhere in the world containing a large ammount of mana energy. This construct will be the reward of the spar for the battlers that are able to find it. Once the world has been created the referee will announce this to the battlers and give them a description of the different parts of the world (without revealing the location of the treasure). After a description is given of the world the battlers must decide what area of the world they wish to travel to in search of the treasure, all battlers must decide on what area of the world to travel to together. When the battlers decide on the area of the world they wish to travel to, they all project to that area together (after telling the referee what area of the world they have decided to project to) and begin constructing energy shields around themselves. Each battler is limited to having only three shield layers. The battlers will announce that they have completed their shields and the referee will start the thirty-minute timer. As the battlers travel the world together the referee will announce when they have encountered any servitors and when they have been challenged or threatened. The battlers must announce when they have entered a different area of the world and the referee can then tell them if they are closer or farther away from the treasure. When the battlers are facing a servitor in battle they must work together to defeat them and each battler is limited to using only one technique/ability in battle. The match can end in multiple ways. If all battlers have lost their shields then no one wins, if the treasure is found everyone wins, and if the time-limit is reached and no one has found the treasure then no one wins. 

  • One on One (Honest): This spar is designed for two battlers and no referee. Both battlers should either be in person or able to communicate with one another via chat or phone. Each battler must choose three techniques they are skilled in that they wish to use in the spar. Then both battlers take turns listing and describing the three techniques they are going to use in the spar. The battlers then take two minutes to generate shield layers. Battlers are not allowed to generate regenerative shield layers or shield layers that are made up of indestructible energy. However battlers are allowed to program their shields to react to energy in different ways. Both battlers then once two minutes are up announce the number of shield layers they have generated within the two minute time limit and describe how their shield layers react to energy in different ways. Once both battlers have announced and described their shield layers and the three techniques they are going to use in the spar they must agree on a time-limit. Once a time-limit is agreed on the timer starts and the spar begins. Whenever a technique is used by a battler they must announce what technique they used when they use it and give an estimate of how many of their opponent's shield layers they believe they have destroyed. The other battler then must confirm the number of shield layers lost and explain why they lost that number of shield layers. The battle continues until the time limit has been reached. Which ever battler has the most shield layers remaining is the victor. This spar type exists so that battlers can spar eachother without the need of a referee or a large number of battlers, it is based solely on one's technique and the honesty of the two battlers. That is why this form of energy spar has the nick name "Honest".

What you need to Spar[]

  • At least one opponent is needed but you can have a fire fight of as many psychics as you want.
  • All opponents must be skilled in generating energy armor or energy shields as well as the ability to project energy attacks.
  • A referee who is able to keep up with the time (if doing a shield damage spar) and is able to sense the energy of all opponents' shields and armors so that he can eliminate opponents as the spar continues.

Do my opponents have to be in front of me?[]

  • You can spar another psychic from anywhere.
  • This is possible due to your ability to program your attacks with the intent to hit your opponent's shield because even if you don't know where they are your energy will find them.
  • This means you could spar while in a chat room with your opponents and the referee all talking on chat while psychically brawling.

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