Weird Community Wiki


  • This rune provides success, advancement in career, a turnabout in luck for those in difficulty.
  • The good luck it provides is not permanent, but a single event or a short period of good fortune.
  • After that the charm must be renewed, not only magically but through an act of binding or connection in the social sense.
  • This act can be a gift to charity, help to another, or some other action to like oneself to a social order.
  • This rune is good for areas of money, friendliness, and gaining merit.
  • Fehu is a sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness, but also the responsibilities of those at the top and a social binding at all levels.
  • It is the power of generation at its most basic level.
  • Its energies are totally wild and very useful for magick involving swift, radical changes.
  • To hasten affairs to their next stage&emdash;use after the "subject " rune in your runescript.
  • To increase monetary wealth, protection of valuables, the "sending" rune&emdash;use it to send either your energy or the energy of the runes out into the formative spheres.
  • Strengthens psychic powers.
  • Channel for power transference or projection; the sending rune.
  • Drawing the projected power of the sun, moon, and stars into the personal sphere.
  • Promotion of personal and social evolution.Increase in monetary wealth.


  • Increases Psychic Power temporarily
  • Increases luck temporarily
  • Allows the caster to draw power from celestial objects
  • Can be used to give someone else an increase in luck and power


  • Fay-Who


fehu fehu fehu f f f f f f f f f fu fa fi fe fo of ef if af uf f f f f f f f f f

