Weird Community Wiki


  • This page is dedicated to easy to conduct psychic experiments.
  • Here you will learn about free tools available online that you can use to conduct your very own psychic experiments at home.
  • Also listed here are a series of experiments you can try out using the free tools listed in order to train or study psychic phenomenon.
  • This page is still a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

Free Online Tools[]


  • Keep experiments shorter than 17 minutes.
  • Multiple high strange events within that time-frame illustrates possible psychokinetic ability, or one high strange event with exact timing for a specific activity.
  • The (p) or resulting probability in the Cummulative Data should be lower than .05 in order to indicate high overall strangeness for the event.

Meditation Experiment 1[]

  • This experiment can be done on your own or with a group of friends.
  • The goal of the experiment is to detect whether or not you can create a non-random event through the power of meditation.
  • Decide whether or not you want to visualize or focus on something in particular, or just zone out. If you are conducting this experiment as a group try and have everyone in the group visualize or focus on the same target during meditation.
  • Decide whether or not to repeat a mantra during the meditation session. If you are conducting this experiment as a group try and have everyone in the group repeat the same mantra during the meditation session.
  • Set a timer for how long you want to meditate.
  • Set up anything you feel you may need to help you meditate.
  • Set the Strangeness Detector to "Manual Stop", then start the Strangeness Detector.
  • Get comfortable and ready to meditate, then start the timer.
  • Begin your meditation and continue to meditate until the timer stops.
  • Check the Strangeness Detector to see if any High Strange Events have occurred.
  • If there have been multiple high strange events during your meditation period, then your meditation may have successfully created a measurable psychokinetic effect in the pseudo-random number system.
  • Check the (p) or resulting probability data in the cummulative data and ensure that it is lower than 0.05 to indicate high overall strangeness for the event.

Sleep Experiment 1[]

  • The goal of the experiment is to detect whether or not you can create a non-random event during sleep.
  • Set a timer for how long you would like to sleep during the experiment.
  • Set the Strangeness Detector to "Manual Stop" and Start it.
  • Get comfortable and ready to sleep, when you feel like you are about to nod off start the timer.
  • The timer should wake you up.
  • Check the Strangeness Detector to see if any High Strange Events have occurred.
  • If there have been multiple high strange events during your sleep period, then your meditation may have successfully created a measurable psychokinetic effect in the pseudo-random number system.
  • Check the (p) or resulting probability data in the cummulative data and ensure that it is lower than 0.05 to indicate high overall strangeness for the event.

Sigil Experiment 1[]

  • Set a timer for an appropriate amount of time for conducting your experiment.
  • Decide on what desire you would like to focus on for sigil creation.
  • Set the Strangeness Detector to "Manual Stop" and Start it.
  • Get all your materials together for sigil creation and get comfortable.
  • Start the timer and begin creating your sigil.
  • When you finish the sigil, continue infusing energy into the symbol until the timer goes off.
  • Check the Strangeness Detector to see if any High Strange Events have occurred.
  • If there have been multiple high strange events during your sigil creation period, then your meditation may have successfully created a measurable psychokinetic effect in the pseudo-random number system.
  • Check the (p) or resulting probability data in the cummulative data and ensure that it is lower than 0.05 to indicate high overall strangeness for the event.